pp108 : Modifying Process Platform Licensing Information

Modifying Process Platform Licensing Information

This topic describes the procedure to modify Process Platform licensing information using Management Console.

Before you begin this task: Access Management Console and connect to LDAP as an authenticated user.

When Process Platform License key expires, OpenText Process Suite Platform (<instance name>) will not be running and thus none of the Process Platform services will work. You can use Management Console to renew or modify the license, which will enable OpenText Process Suite Platform (<instance name>) to start temporarily. The OpenText Process Suite Platform (<instance name>) will be enabled for a limited period during which you can renew your license key by sending the usage report and providing the right key.

  1. In a Windows based computer, click Start > Programs > OpenText Process Suite Platform <Version> > <Instance Name> > Tools > Management Console.
    For Linux users
    1. Launch Terminal
    2. CD Process Platform Installation Directory/bin
    3. Execute ./cmc.sh

    The Management Console window appears.

  2. Click License Configuration in the Management Console window. The License Configuration page is displayed.
  3. Select the installation type from the License Mode drop-down list. If Multiple is selected, the Master Machinefield is enabled; otherwise it is disabled.

    Process Platform Licensing recognizes two types of Installations. These are described below:

    • Single - In this installation, there is only one installation of Process Platform in a Site.
    • Multiple - In this installation, the Site consists of several Installs. In other words, in this installation, the customer site can have more than one installation of Process Platform. In this type of installation, one Install is recognized as the Master, while the others are the Contributors. This facilitates the Usage Report generation and management.
  4. Modify the required information in the License Configuration window. For more information refer to License Configuration Interface.
  5. Select the Send Usage Report Automaticallycheckbox.

    If this checkbox is selected, the usage report is sent to the Process Platform Licensing Service every month. The License Key thus obtained from the Process Platform Licensing Service is automatically updated in the LDAP. If this checkbox is cleared, the Usage Report needs to be manually generated and sent to the Process Platform Licensing Service for obtaining the License Key.

  6. Click .
    Process Platform licensing information is modified.
Post Requisite:

After the license is updated the OpenText CARS, Cordys, and Web server services must be restarted:

1. Stop Web Server
service httpd stop
2. Stop OpenText Process Suite Platform (<instance name>). For e.g. if BOP is the Process Platform instance name, then the service name will be wcpdBOP.
service wcpdBOP stop
3. Stop OpenText CARS. For e.g. if BOP is the OpenText CARS instance name, then the service name will be OpenText CARS-slapdBOP
service OpenText CARS-slapdBOP stop
4. Start OpenText CARS.
service OpenText CARS-slapdBOP start
5. Start OpenText Process Suite Platform (<instance name>).
service wcpdBOP start
6. Start Web Server
service httpd start

Related information

Managing Process Platform Licenses